Good-Bye Hillary Clinton and Good-Bye Donald Trump

Good-Bye Hillary Clinton and Good-Bye Donald Trump

If you’re worried we’re about to get political, this is the place to exhale a sigh of relief, because we aren’t. We refuse to be another outlet with political opinions. Following our philosophy, we’ll stick with the facts, rise above the opinions and let you think for yourself.

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Putting Our Money Where Our Mouth Is

This election ‘year’ seems like it’s been going on for a decade. And let’s be honest, it’s been going front and center for almost two years. The closer we get, the more divisive the election gets. Media coverage seems to have made this a battle of epic celebrity proportions, giving the American people 24/7 coverage.

No matter which side you’re on, we’d be surprised if you weren’t tired of it well before election day.


At this point we can’t even count how many times we’ve heard someone say “If (insert candidate name here) is elected, then I am leaving the country!”

Chances are that most of these people will never actually do this. We, on the other hand, are*.  You could say, we’re putting our money where our mouth is. Plus, we think we’re being wise and leaving the day of the election, rather than the day after. This way, we’ll be on a plane and over the Atlantic well before a winner is announced. Hopefully, the frenzy of the following days and weeks won’t catch up to us over the Atlantic! 

*In all honesty, this wasn’t planned and our departure date has nothing to do with the election cycle. It’s a complete coincidence!

City Guide to Dublin, Ireland | Must See Attractions & City Cards

City Guide to Dublin, Ireland | Must See Attractions & City Cards

San Diego to Dublin for Under $70 Each!

San Diego to Dublin for Under $70 Each!