All in Travel

The Peculiarities of the UK in Comparison to the US

The United Kingdom is very similar to the United States in many ways, but very different in others. Of course there are the major things that are different, like driving on the left side of the road, an English accent, a much more exhaustive train system, and trash cans are rubbish bins. Then, there are the little things that take a bit of keen observation to notice, pubs are not bars, wall outlets have individual on/off switches, and you aren’t expected to tip. 

Long-Term Travel Hack #3: Keeping Yourself and Your Belongings Safer

Staying safe and protecting your belongings while traveling is important. As long-term digital nomad travelers this is magnified because we’re always in new places with new surroundings. Plus, just about everything we own is in our single carry-on travel backpack. Through research hand experience we've come up with some tips, tricks and hacks to make long-term, light weight traveling possible and safer.