Be an Outlier. Interview Series | Meet the Satchells, FI/RE with a Focus on Family

In our inaugural interview we’re bringing you the Satchell family, who aren’t only pursuing financial independence, retire early (FI/RE) but are doing it with with a young and growing family, a rarity by most FI/RE standards. See what they’ve learned about themselves through travel in Mexico and what ultimately brought them home.

The Ultimate House Sitting Guide: Part 6 | Stories, Funny Moments, and the Not So Glamorous

There was a time when we thought getting a house sitting job would consist a lot on luck. So, it’s incredible to think that we’ve been house sitting for three years and have completed nearly 60 house sits! But, if you’ve read parts one through six of our Ultimate House Sitting Guide series, then you know that it actually does take effort and work to not only get a house sit but also fulfill the responsibilities and complete the house sitting job.

Now that we’ve shared our tips and tricks for everything house sitting, we thought there’d be no better way to complete this guide than with a few of our favorite house sitting experiences, challenges, and lessons learned/takeaways.

October 2019 Budget & Expenses | Digital Nomads Pursuing Financial Independence, Retire Early (FI/RE)

We never really thought that a month of expenses while visiting New York City could be done for anywhere near $600, but we did it! We did sightseeing, lived in comfortable homes, ate well, and lived a pretty good life this month. Plus, we’re one month closer to financial independence, retire early (FI/RE) and loving our lives as full time house sitters and digital nomads.

Making an Easy $300+ with SoFi Money, Invest, and Loan Referral Program | Make Up to $10,000

Make an easy return on your money by participating in Sofi’s referral program. It’s as simple as opening a SoFi Money account through a referral link and depositing $100. That’s all it takes to get a $50 bonus added to your account. Then, get $100 for every person, friend, and family member who opens an account with your referral link.

Turn around and do the same with a SoFi Invest account and get another $50 bonus for opening the account and then $50 for anyone who does the same with your referral link.

Additionally, apply for and get a SoFi Personal Loan, or a SoFi Student Loan Refi to earn a $100 bonus and then $300 for anyone who uses your referral link. In total you can earn up to $10,000!

The Ultimate Guide to House Sitting Jobs: Part 5 | Finishing Up, Helpful Reviews, and Lessons Learned

House Sitting: It’s not done until it’s done. In other words, you’ve completed a house sitting job and taken great care of the home and pets, but there’s still a bit more to do. Turning the home and pets back over to the homeowner, submitting reviews, and saying goodbye are still ahead of you. Read on for our tips on wrapping everything up, including leaving a great last impression and receiving and submitting helpful house sitting reviews.